Bollywood singer Sonu Nigam, who returns as the judge for a music reality show after a gap of six years, was initially apprehensive about the upcoming show 'X-Factor' as he does not believe in manipulating reactions and situations to garner TRPs.
"I was apprehensive about it because I don't trust music shows. They came to me three months back and I had said no. I feel they all go through the TRP route where they manipulate reactions and situations. Music is too pure for me and I don't want to dilute it," Sonu told."Initially I thought 'X-Factor' would be like that too.But I realised that the team of Sony channel is into making this the biggest extravaganza on television. My consent is proof enough of my faith in the format," Sonu said.
The 37-year-old singer was the judge for two seasons of 'Indian Idol'. Recently, he also judged children's singing reality shows - 'Little Champs' and 'Chhote Ustaad'."I did not do any adult music shows because I thought there was lot of manipulation. I don't see myself fitting into all this. I have had offers but I refused," Sonu said."
Sonu, who had disagreements with co-judge Anu Malik during 'Indian Idol', said he did not mind such things."I am open to disagreements... I have ensured that shows that I did were free of negativity. I wanted 'Little Champs' to be free of quarrels, it had the highest TRPs," he said.
Sonu, who shot to fame after hosting 'Sa Re Ga Ma' in 1995, says the singing contest belongs to a different era from 'X-Factor'.About 'X-Factor', Sonu said, "The show promises to do something that is never done before in the field of music.Singers will be in the age group of 16 to 90 years. There will be couples, group singers and solo singers competing."
According to reports, filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali and music composer Salim Merchant are the two other judges for the show, to be hosted by singer-anchor Aditya Narayan.