Sajid Khan's multi-starrer Housefull 2 has garnered Rs. 42 crore in its opening weekend. . Akshay Kumar is back with a bang. It's Akshay Kumar's biggest opener ever. The first 3 day collections of the film were Rs. 14 crore, Rs. 13 crore and Rs. 15 crore, taking its three-day total to Rs. 42 crore. Talking in terms of box-office records, Housefull 2 has the second best opening day collections of 2012, after Agneepath (Rs. 25 crore). The film is going strong in overseas also. Thus proving that film’s story has nothing to do with other events (IPL) happening in country as well as cast’s form at box office. Though the business on Friday and Saturday was affected due to the cricket matches, while the business in North and South circuits got affected due to the strong opposition posed by a Punjabi and Telugu film, respectively. Yet, a fabulous start of Rs. 40 cr + weekend has ensured the film a prime place in the biggest openers' listing.
On this expected success of his film Sajid Khan was found saying “I saw the movie last night and I promise you, I am not saying this because I directed this film, I am saying it out of sheer love for cinema as an audience, this film is a blockbuster and I am so proud that I have directed it,”